Justine Greening - Social Mobility Pledge - LIVE at ConHome
Today’s episode is really special- we were invited to record a live episode of Jimmy’s Jobs at the Conservative Home Future Jobs conference, held at the RSA in Embankment where we interviewed the amazing Justine Greening.
Justine is perhaps best known for being the Secretary of State for Education, Transport and International Development in past governments, as well as being the MP for Putney until 2019.
She is now running the Social Mobility Pledge, campaigning to improve social mobility and equality for opportunity, working with huge businesses from Tesco to PWC to universities across the country.
You could even say she has quit politics to do even more policy.
Thank you to Conservative Home for hosting us and organising such an inspiring event. You can find them at https://conservativehome.com/
In this episode we talk about:
The Purpose Coalition and driving levelling up.
The changing interaction between politics, academia and businesses.
The relationship between net-zero and levelling up.
What businesses can do to be more socially mobile.
How the Department of Education can identify the skills young people need.
Her advice for young people on how to build their resilient skillset.
How PWC shaped her career and her decision to an executive MBA.
Justine’s accidental entrance into politics.
Why she decided to leave the Cabinet.
Why next elections will be decided by a levelling up agenda.