Izzy Obeng - Founder Foundervine

Prime Ministerial briefing

  • Izzy Obeng left her role as a management consultant two years ago to set up an accelerator for black and ethnic minority founders.

  • Whilst they have only been going two years, they have already seen 2,000 people pass through their programmes and are working more with local governments to help reach those most in need of the advice.

  • They are expanding now so that it is not just purely entrepreneurial skill sets they are providing, but a full immersive education experience where people gain ongoing mentoring for example.

  • They are also working with employers, providing a diverse talent pipeline to corporates, many of their courses are held in corporate offices, so that attendees can understand more about business life.


Sarah Wood - Founder Unruly (Part 1.)


Kathryn Parsons - Founder Decoded