Pete Flint - Founder NFX (part 1)

Pete Flint was the founding member of with Brent Hoberman and Martha Lane Fox. Following the billion dollar acquisition, Pete went to study for an MBA at Stanford Graduate School of Business. He noticed how it was hard to get accommodation, and so this led to him founding Trulia, which turned into another unicorn being acquired by Zillow for £3.5 billion.

He has recently written a brilliant essay on the NFX website on how to 10X your career, you can check out that piece here which we talk a lot about in the show.

I have been thinking of how to transition my career for a year since leaving Downing Street and it is the best piece I have read on the subject.

Three key themes of this podcast have been talent, diversity, and flexibility.

Young ambitious companies always face a challenge between hiring a full time employee, but also getting the right level of experience for what they need and within their budgets.

That is where this episode’s sponsor comes in: Juggle Jobs is essentially an AirBnB for high end employment Hayden Wood said in the first episode: hire talent, rent experience.

You can post a free job advertisement on Juggle in just a few minutes, and then you are presented with intelligently matched candidates.

If you are a freelancer or looking to hire one, I recommend heading to their platform at Juggle.Jobs.


Pete Flint - Founder NFX (part 2)


Hayden Wood - Founder Bulb (part 2)